Friday, May 15, 2009

Random: I just found out.

I just found out that Lady Gaga is five years younger than me. I suppose one grows up expecting successful media icons, tripe-producing or no, to be older than them. And now it's shifted. I don't know why that's strange. I don't know if the odd obsession I've developed for the Lady is stranger. She's fascinating like train wrecks, excessive plastic surgery, really greasy diner food, and Ewoks. Disco stick. Heh.

I just found out my left kidney is broken. So, the nausea I've been experiencing for the past few months is actually caused my my kidney swelling. Two good things: I'm not knocked up, and I can still hold my liquor like a pro.

I just found out they fired one of my compatriots at work. I don't know why. There has been some eerie tension there as of late, accompanied by a few talkings-to and firings. We were a really great team and we knew how to get people drinking. The majority of the remaining servers are functionally retarded when it comes to making money. One good thing: I can take over his customer base and blow those incompetent assholes out of the water.

I just found out that it is a long weekend. I don't know how or why I did not know this before. With that, Ev has an entire day off and I am a little too excited. I am such a dork for him.

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